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bloom from within


series 1: joachim

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"I encourage everyone to try yoga at least once. Perhaps you wish you didn’t. Or perhaps are you missing out on a big part of your life."

There is so much that could be said about yoga and at the same time so little.


For me yoga is the essence of life.


To be able to find that stillness within and realising that we all are part of the same universe. To find the sweet soft point just before you break into tears without knowing why. To realize that we all are one love.

I really know nothing about yoga. I am just trying to get by in life and do the best I can. One day at a time. And plant some seeds.


My personal interpretation is that yoga is a system to make you realize some things about yourself and life. You can pick some parts like do physical postures, do meditation, read books, breathing techniques or try to do them all together.

I had a rough period in my life about 10 years ago. There was a big disconnect between life and myself. My wife was suggested yoga practice and I was invited to join. My first ever yoga session  was a kundalini yoga class. I believe I was quite astonished by all the things that were going on in the class. But some small part of my liked it and both my wife and myself continued. Classes were only once a week, but after the class there was a very nice feeling of relief, satisfaction and stillness. I have since tried and practised some various forms of yoga such as more traditional Hatha, Virya, yin and Ashtanga. I tend to appreciate more dynamic forms of yoga. With age I can feel that there is also a growing appreciation of meditation and breathing exercises. Doing yoga makes the time stand still.


At the outset of the pandemic I was afraid both for what we could expect from the pandemic but also since I have had a fairly long and regular yoga practice with a teacher. In an instance that practice had to stop. There was a pause in practice for about 4 months, before I realised that there is still practice going on but the only difference was that it is now online. It was a wonderful discovery. I have had the pleasure of doing yoga for so many wonderful teachers that I probably would not have had a chance to meet otherwise. Teachers from India, Singapore, UEA, Israel, England, Sweden and Ireland of course - right into my own house. Fantastic experiences. I will always carry this point of time with me for the future.


Right now I struggle a bit to find a solution how to do more yoga but still be apart of the “regular life”. There is a desire to move forward but still there are many responsibilities like family, work and bills to be paid. I would love to find a guru. But as the saying goes: when the student is ready the teacher will appear.


I encourage everyone to try yoga at least once. Perhaps you wish you didn’t. Or perhaps are you missing out on a big part of your life. Try and you will know.




Joachim from Sweden

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