bloom from within
series 1: monize

" Yoga is not about getting there but about the process"
My name is Monize. I was born in Brazil but I have been living in Ireland for the past 4 years.
I studied geography in college and back in Brazil I used to teach students from 3 to 60+ years of age.
I have known yoga for a long time, but had never practiced it until 2 years ago. After taking some classes I realised that it was something more than I thought.
Two years ago, there was a woman who worked with me, who was offering yoga classes in a studio nearby. Some friends were going and I decided to give it a go. From that moment on, I have been practising yoga frequently. The regular practice brought several benefits for my body and mind. In my case, it helped greatly with my lumbar and wrist aches.
From my perspective yoga is a whole ancient philosophy and as such it is very complex and has a lot of different aspects. I love the physical practice due to the fact that it healed my lumbar aches and currently maintains both my lumbar and wrists in a healthy and pain free condition. Another very interesting part of the yoga are the chants - I find them very beautiful and I would love to learn more about them.
I would strongly recommend yoga to everybody - every friend, relative and acquaintance!
In my opinion yoga is not about getting there but about the process. Sometimes you are not able to complete the pose with perfection. However, you are sure to get the benefits of each movement, whether or not you reach the complete pose.