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Yoga Sanctuary is a space for you to build a consistent  yoga practice at home. 

Having a home practice is an incredible way to connect with your body wherever you are, whenever you need. The act of  witnessing your breath, observing the sensations in your body is a powerful tool to develop more self-awareness and turn inwards.


It is a tool that we can access anytime we need and that can support us when faced with challenging times in life or as a way to come back to ourselves to live more in tune with our true self. 




Yoga Sanctuary focuses on building consistency in your practice (consistency over the length of your practice) and the importance of self-reflection (Svādhyāya).

Apart from guidance in the physical aspect of yoga, you will receive guidance on understanding your why when it comes to your yoga practice. This is to help you develop a clearer understanding of your connection with yoga. It is the why that helps us to show up every day. 

The 4-week series is available in two tiers

  • Tier 1 - Є30 for the month 

    • Weekly message to your inbox with a study and self-reflection point, a short practice for the week (to be practised daily if possible) 

  • Tier 2 - Є50 for the month 

    • Same as above + 3 live yoga classes via Zoom (60 minutes long) + recordings of these sessions


This course is for anyone who already practises yoga but would like to develop a consistent practice and a habit of practising yoga at home. 

The next 4-week series starts in October 2023.  If you are joining with the live sessions, they will take place on Tuesdays. The weekly message will be sent to everyone on Sundays. 

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
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